Joker: The Controversy Surrounding Joaquin Phoenix’s Film—Here’s Why The Film’s Release Sparked Heated Debates!

Joker sparked controversy upon its release (Photo Credit – Instagram)

Debates started before Joker even hit the screen: Was it genius or just reckless? A deep dive into human fragility or a nod to angry loners? Even the FBI and NYPD were on edge, adding extra security at screenings just in case.

Even before the release, people were losing it—and not in a good way. Critics and fans went to battle online, debating whether Joker was cutting social commentary or glorifying violence. Arthur, who spends most of the movie getting beaten down (literally and emotionally), finally snaps and kills three Wall Street guys on a subway. This kicks off a whole movement, but Arthur—now Joker—keeps saying, “I’m not political.” Uh, okay?

Phoenix’s acting? Next-level. But the movie’s actual message? Kind of a mess. Phillips threw around ideas like class warfare and mental illness, but none of it really stuck. The film didn’t land as the game-changer it wanted to be. Instead, it just left everyone wondering: Are we supposed to feel sorry for this guy? Sure, Arthur’s life was rough, but are we really rooting for someone who’s, you know, into murder?

Things hit peak controversy when Joker finally dropped. Survivors of the Aurora theater shooting were sounding alarms, worried the film might spark copycat violence. Meanwhile, critics at the Venice Film Festival gave it a standing ovation and handed it the Golden Lion award. Go figure.

Then there’s the final act. Arthur fully becomes Joker and delivers this rambling, incoherent monologue on live TV about inequality, the rich getting richer, and society screwing over the little guy. But it’s all over the map. Phillips throws out random political ideas, hoping something sticks. Spoiler: it doesn’t.

The real kicker? Joker is basically a cinematic Rorschach test. It’s a blank slate, letting audiences see whatever they want in it. Some saw it as a deep dive into modern-day rage. Others? Two hours of pretentious nonsense.

One thing’s clear—Joker wanted to be edgy and subversive, but it mostly felt like a film that couldn’t decide what it wanted to be. Fans were torn—either it was a masterpiece or a total flop. But how are we supposed to if a movie can’t figure itself out?

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